About the Rules & Moderation category

idt pokemon combos is a phrase that makes sense, unless you’re talking about like. pairs of pokemon

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I mean like Pokémon moves comboing into each other
I dunno pokemon either

idk enough about doubles (in which that kind of thing is significantly more common)

we could speedrun breaking all the rules too

i do like not being banned from fol


They still haven’t noticed…

they never will…

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honestly, we could start a daily blog here

daily blog 1:
I took a test today

daily blog 1:
looking like a headache day because i didn’t arbitrarily hydrate enough early enough so now no matter how much i hydrate my head will try to kill me. only in onset stages but i’ve seen this script before

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if the mods talk about flapping hands and whether litten has them I wonder what else they talk about
proving a revolution is not only wanted, but required

apparently may at the very least talks about the quizbowlcord game that just ended

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14 players. mafia has 2 kpn. and there’s an sk.

I’ve heard this before

strongman Yahtzee

mafia can create an extra rule and somehow passes that “All kills are strongman and ninja.”

how many people has may told this to holy shit

this game’s gonna spread everywhere

everyone, even ur mother