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hey everybody laugh at may. litten got a whole bad plate of sushi for less than may’s guacamole


the cucumbers are good…

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bad $10 sushi vs good $11.25 guacamole

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next mr beast video…

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I’ve never had guacamole either and I don’t even know what it is

are you living under a rock

I never look into things if it doesn’t interest me at that moment

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okay i’m a picky eater so i sympathize with never having had sushi or guac, given that i’ve never had either. but i know what they are

its just mushed up avocado

i hate guacamole but i like sushi

Avocado tomato onion lime jalapeno garlic salt cilantro. Mix

i eat things and think about if i should have later

Mostly avocado

I’ve never had an avocado either but I know what it is

youre not missing anything

Nerds. They’re good

I’m like picky but not picky

litten tiebreak

I don’t even think the sushi tastes bad I just expected some more mouthful of flavor

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thats because you got sushi from a college campus