About the Rules & Moderation category

i’m in the first week back phase where i still kinda gag every time i enter the dining hall. eventually acceptance will kick in

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Somebody apparently got food poisoning from hte yogurt?

There’s anallergy-friendly place that just gives you chicken and rice and vegetable essentially. I just eat that every single day

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you should eat fish and fruits too

yeah this usually carries me. except on wednesdays they have tillapia as the only meat option

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Except if the other place has curry then I eat that. And if they have pork at the allergy friendly place then I have to eat something else.

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i would eat fish if they had good fish. i don’t think my campus ever has salmon, which is the only good fish. alas…

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i hate your university already

Their fish is completely inedible. Their fruits are ok

the number of days i’ve subsisted on some variant of chicken and rice is. definitely in the upper half of the double digits


if you eat fruits too nobody will be able to get on your case for not eating fish

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could potentially be in the triple digits by the time i graduate

they have apples. but like they’re usually bad or have weird spots or whatever.

I usually hoard chobani peach yogurts which do have some fruit in them

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i should probably check the salad bar more often because there are other fruit options there. and sometimes they’re good

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They have apples which are bad, and they have oranges which are mediocre and which I’ll sometimes eat. I’ll sometimes grab random ingredients from the salad bar, like I’ll eat a bunch of cucumbers or tomatoes, which are botanically fruits

as is my vitamin c intake is usually hi-c. i notice on days where they’re out of hi-c my mouth hurts a lot more

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i used to just grab pepperoni (but i always called it salami, because i thought it was salami, because it’s basically just small salami) en masse from the salad bar and just ate a ton of it at once. but they stopped putting pepperoni in the salad bar

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maybe they ran out