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chicken and rice

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Yeah. Chicken and rice and vegetables. You eat them all at hte same time so you have 3 textures in one bite. It’s very easy

suffice to say significantly more pizzas were ordered. i mention this because despite there being only 4 pizzas the “monster” pizza with like. i don’t even know but it was a lot. on it went almost completely untouched. and then when the other pizzas arrived we were like “you better not have gotten another monster.” there was another monster (among like 8 other things that were actually popular)

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they always give you no vegetables and too much rice

not particularly. i think they were large pizzas but it was like dominos

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They do never give me enough vegetables but the rice amount is usually also kinda small

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Our team lad for our project is very high strung

As everyone is very aware X was completely absent during our meeting today with Dr. x. We will be graded as a group in this class, and you reflected very poorly on everyone. This was completely unacceptable, as unlike the rest of us you still know nothing of the equipment or expectations of the next few steps. All 4 of us were able to communicate and make it to the meeting and you were told at least 3 times about the meeting, you never said anything about a schedule conflict or being unable to make it. We picked a high effort senior project and are thinking about taking it into an even deeper direction, we need you to step it up.

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most functional group project team

(X wasnt me)

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Once I was in a group project and I slept throuh two consecutive meetings


It was a bullshit project though so it was fine

They were kinda mad at me e


i would like to reiterate that the tournament director thought that 3 pizzas would be enough for all the staffers

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quizbowl staffers tend to want more than one slice


there’s like. an empirical quizbowl rule that no one says they’re gonna eat more than two slices but if you order anything less than half a pizza per person there will be shortages

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people can eat more than two slices of a pizza??

i think we compromised on a third of a pizza per person. which is like. the bare minimum sustainable level imo

well most people

Update our lead lead has BANISHED the guy from the group. X was an imposter. 4 players remain.