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least threatening engineering class injury

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bloody hell

I’m at Kroger

Least threatening Kroger injury

They had to close the restroom

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It was all over the walls

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wash your phone screen so it doesnt stain if everythings alright now

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You washed it before you bandaged it at least right

But like
Kndtopped the bleeding by putting a paper towel tigjt and holding my finger above my hand
Then when I put on the bandaid it starts bleeding like crazy

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My pants are stained in blood too

Poor kitty

none of that is. particularly great.

litten i’m starting to find it difficult that a bird could’ve done this

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Birds are vicious

Blood comes out easier with cold water, warm water will lock in the stain

I don’t have time to undo the bandaids to look at jr

i’m blaming your kroger manager

He was much nicer today! Maybe it was my meds! I dunno! People yell at me less when I take them!

I meant the clothing stains

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