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Doesn’t matter what temperature water you use when washing skin

you cant exactly work being covered in blood, you understand

If you have peroxide that’ll help remove it also

Warm water hypothetically probably better? For the same reason it’s better for dishes. Cleaner

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alright which one was it. there are only 51 options this shit’s gonna be easy

congrats on atlas for getting a cookie

congrats on may for getting a cookie

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what’s the next cookie for the splinter cookie thread

I’m so happy

The manager praised me this shift instead and said if I kept working like they they will give me all the hours I want

I don’t know if it’s the meds but I’m assuming so

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done bleeding out?

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it might or might not be

we can’t really help you on that end

or maybe they just have crazy mood swings


…either way if you think they help remember to take them

Your accounts of this job sound like those of a toxic relationship


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One of the Ada recommdation for adhd is praising instead of focusing on weakness so it’s Stockhold sndyrome

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The cookie did contain estrogen

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well may looks like you’re transitioning back

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