About the Rules & Moderation category

We’ve gone back and forth like a dozen times what’s another

anyway uhhhhh 1491st poster gets a cookie

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I’m breaking open Mahjong Soul Balatro

Look at my scaling x mult

why don’t you go break out a pillow

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I’ve been in bed for like an hour I just don’t wanna sleep

It can’t be bad that I can still sometimes see stain blood on boxes I’m handling four hours later

You guys could’ve just talked to me instead of doing this weird stuff. I missed the thing Tuesday because I was feeling sick in the morning which is why I showed up so late to class too, but clearly you didn’t want me in your group to begin with and are too cowardly to say that to my face. But I can find another group


i was doing work for like.
however long i was
and i didnt eat the whole time and im so hungry

i lost like 2kg (4.5 pounds) in the past 1.5ish weeks

i feel completely indifferent

i think it was 1 week but i forgot

i havent gotten much smarter lately
i cut the back of my hand because i was trying to demonstrate to myself the knife wasnt sharp

i am now sporting a bandage that is too big for my hand

if i had a nickel for every person in this chat who’s had to get a bandaid for a nasty cut in the last 24 hours…

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mine wasnt that terrible!!

I cut a vein on my foot a little while back (scraped it on a metal door while wearing sandals) and the blood was so dark, it was weird.

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so thats what they meant by red blood!!


I think I also play mafia because I like being lied to