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just realized?


Damn I put $20 on you replying to this with a Starlo joke

my brain is fried from waking up early and having four classes sorry

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Oh I forgot itā€™s a benguinedparbecue suffering day

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you were very clear that you donā€™t mind being lied to if theyā€™re doing it to mislead you and serve their own ends! but lying to make you feel better is where you draw the line

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also known as every monday wednesday friday from now until like december


Itā€™s very NICE and COMFORTABLE when everybody has their own predictable selfish agenda and weā€™re adversaries in this world trying to do the best for ourselves lying to each other and coming into conflict when the game is zero-sum. Itā€™s UNCOMFORTABLE when people lie in an attempt to improve MY positionā€¦ stop it, thatā€™s unpredictable

are you flowey



or perhaps my favorite outertale character twinkly


(I can model them as doing this because being a nice person is one of their ends, Iā€™m needlessly complaining here)

May twink moment?

iā€™m still not over twinkly. impossible name to take seriously

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flowey is a twinkly

1402 poster gets a cookie with testosterone

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i feel like half the reason they had twinkly absorb torielā€™s soul and become asriel in geno is because the name twinkly would clash with any ability to take the geno route seriously

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wouldnt that mean you could get asriel on neutral

asriel takes away your spare button. but there is technically a neutral route you can get by finding ways to spare on the rare occasions youā€™re not with asriel


kinda dumb.

to be clear itā€™s a distinct neutral route from all the other neutral routes. still very geno-y, given that you donā€™t get the opportunity to spare a lot. but the endingā€™s different