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many people are saying that may is bad at ruina

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youā€™re the only person watching him

i think its only one or perhaps two people today

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heā€™s not even talking!


Quiet Ruina day (these receptions have been long and and boring and easy if you focus)

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does focusing necessarily mean ignoring benguinedparbecue

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Focusing means not looking at who joined the VC

I didnā€™t know it was benguined I never looked

ā€¦did benguined just not talk.

He did not. Or if he did the audio was going to the hell dimension again (very possible)

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i talked!


Well, I didnā€™t hear you

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may could i break host account rules to bully orangeandblack5

Which ones

Oh I get it

Yeah sure go for it o7

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the not using it to talk outside a game one

i need to quote what he said in the best/worst quotes thread

Heā€™s called Hideo Kojima because he makes kojima games

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i just got the chair of deception joke earlier

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may canā€™t you unlock the quotes thread