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Yeah that sounds very bad. I hope I can play it but there’s a solid chance it’s just not something I can access

oh i’ve never tried the final boss without autofire, i just can’t focus on shooting and dodging at the same time. it’s too much

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spamming z killed my left hand so i gave up

grinding just entails. walking or perhaps running in circles until you get an encounter. but unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately for you?) they don’t let you do the undertale thing where you can hold up and down on a wall and just run on it forever

it only took me about an hour or so to beat though

so its not that hard

I’ve been beating it once or twice a day at this point. not as good as that youtuber yet and i don’t expect to get there but i can now confidently beat it prepatch

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when was the patch?

im unsure when i beat it

endure was patched in

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i beat it early February this year

wanna see if i beat it pre or post patch

oh i never used endure

i’m not like redownloading the original version or anything i’m just beating it without endure

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i play on the hard mode where the game just does not accept most of my attempts to dash diagonally so i have to learn how to dodge with exclusively vertical and horizontal dashes from first principles

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i guess you could say you endured a lot of torment to get to this point

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it very much comes down to how well you do on the other fights in the run. i’m pretty sure i have best possible inventory and even that’s 30, 30, 30, 35, 50, 50, 50, full. and a lot of those you can inadvertently spend on earlier boss fights without realizing the item econ’s fucked

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i’ll look it up

if you have a bad inventory and you want to beat the final boss without endure you might just have to restart the run from scratch and play better. which is awesome

note that for people who played on release/prepatch playing without endure was not a want, but a need. to beat the game. no wonder it got patched in

youre right

i never realized you could eat the gunpowder

i beat the game without it and with only 2 50s and no full

its not that hard

contrast this with sans undertale bpi, which is 40, 40, 45, 45, 45, 60, 90, full. and note that independently of inventory sans is easier