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…what does endure even do

its the 1 shot invincibility right

how would that help on geno

there is one (1) hard fight before sans in ut geno, at which point you only have the 45s and the full to potentially waste. and even if you do waste these, the supply of 40s is practically infinite. in uty there are multiple hard fights before the final boss, you have access to a much higher fraction of the optimal inventory for some of these, and while there’s a decently large supply of 30s it’s still finite and somewhat easy to deplete

in geno it’s a 20-24 (not sure of the exact range but it varies and is low 20s) hp heal

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which isn’t super great, but it’s better than literally nothing

tldr uty geno hates you


and here i thought uty was supposed to have fun lessons about why killing everybody is the right thing to do

if they wanted me to hate it back they should’ve made the fights less fun

by the way how do you kill starlo

with 50 bullets and a dream, just like may showed me

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Believe in yourself and don’t let him cut the lasso because then you’ll have to actually dodge attacks

jokes on you, you have to dodge the bullets headed towards your lasso anyway

i blinked and 20 minutes passed by in three

This entire city is full of bees

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why is this thread dead. are we stupid?

Yes we’re stupid, established

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why is the Reviewer colour cooler than the mod one

I am stupid I am taking organic chemistry and 8 hours of lab a week (disabled) and [high level chemistry course whose name is unique to my university] and ordinary diffeq and vector calculus and this would be fine if I were not terminally incapable of actually working

i thought you already took diff eqs

i vividly remember your course being a less painful version of mine