About the Rules & Moderation category

We’ve had first diffeq but how about second etc. Specific ODEs class. It’s the sequel


our “sequel” was just pdes which is a whole different beast

Sorry per the textbook it’s Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

that sounds harder than odes

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but it will probably somehow still be easier than my odes course

I’m a class on “chaos”. Jevils

jevil is notoriously sensitive to initial conditions

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so you just have to break a few things now and again? whats the difficulty

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I dont know any of the words for the mathematics classes because im not a mathematics fucker I just click the buttons to register because I have nothing better to do

you could pick up smoking

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I have some apple cider in the fridge that’s probably slowly fermenting I could pick up homebrewing (like the real kind )

you’ve gotten that much into botc?

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you realize i can go all day right

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as a math major even i don’t know all the words for all the classes

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i’m so sorry

Btw the guy I used to talk to about flight rising drama who talks like you not only goes to my college but lives in my dorm building. Your clone is fucking stalking me

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you know the people who live in your dorm building?

Yeah because of the Discord server the RAs all made us join
