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Earlier today in conversation somebody claimed that my university is, and I’m pulling exact words here, for masochist nerds

i’ve heard nothing that contradicts this

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didn’t you sign up for that on purpose
we knew that already

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I’m soooo not a nerd. Not a nerd at all

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Opened a document in which I was attempting to design a mafia game

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no one in quizbowlcord ever asks themselves this


the little pop-up you get for liking a post is so weird when you stop getting used to it

i’ve found a way to avoid that problem

Wait hold on I was looking at your profile and hte joke theft goes back farther than I thought

We’re morally obligated to keep stealing each other’s jokes it’s necessary

you stole our wolfsiding during FAM4

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I’m cute and a poor little polarised kitten and I’m sooooo bad at mafia so I can’t be blamed don’t nightkill me you caaaan’t nightkill me or execute me I’m so bad atmafia

Loop had another game where the mafia failed to coordinate or plan at all to any degree so I gave them like a giant wallpost about how to competently talk to your teammates as wolf and I’m hoping it works

i’m gonna go beat the uty geno final boss for the second time today. why am i like this

how does this even happen

A wolf randomly claimed cop without talking to their teammates about it at all, thinking the game was role madness. It wasn’t. It was a semi-closed setup with a few open TPRs, one of which was “Investigator” (distinctly not the “Colour Detective” [cop but you get a colour and you don’t know which result is inno and which is guilty]). They claimed a greencheck (well, a greycheck, the game’s flavour was colour-themed and the grey team was the town, meaning the “colour detective” thing was completely useless) on a player who turned out to be. The Real Cop. Who survived to endgame

The wolves had no plan on what to claim whatsoever until a massclaim had already been called for and half the villagers had already claimed. So everybody just claimed VT, having been put on the spot. There were only like 5 VTs so they got immediately PoEd. Somebody hurriedly pinged the last wolf yet to claim to ask them to claim roleblocker and they were like “sorry I gotta go to work” and didn’t

i dont remember benguined making the shielding joke

see the last quizbowlcord game ended with a day where at eod 10 people were alive and 5 people voted. would you like to hazard a guess as to the alignment distribution