About the Rules & Moderation category

One wolf decided as a strategy they were not going to check wolfchat or look who their teammates were, at least for all of D1. They were the roleblocker. They were somehow the most well-coordinated wolf player

oh right they couldn’t because they were dead

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i was one of the people being shielded! i probably did make that joke in specchat but i think italy was the first

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none of you were
it was me

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but obviously i’m not in a position to make that joke in the thread. because may’s shielding me.

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After that game I seriously questioned my ability to have reads that were >rand

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i think you townread every wolf that died on d3

nope jake ruined the joke

anyway how does nintendo loop have the opposite problem as quizbowlcord (we’re sooo inactive)

jake died on d2

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What’s the problem we don’t ahve

may did lose the voting duel to jake though. throwing…?


that role was so terrible and i cant believe it got in

We haven’t had a wolf win since October. And that was when I ran an expanded version of Mountainado

as aforementioned. last quizbowlcord game ended with 5 voters among 10 alive players. and it was a massclaim day! we forced people online to claim! not all of them did (or did fully) it was awesome

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see our wolves keep winning. usually due to kinda wolfsided setups but also our towns suck a lot of the time

Reverse issue. Our setups are townsided but wolves still also don’t play great

all games should be townsided because finding mafia is up to randomly guessing

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i think i need to grace you with the kendrick lamar role from the kendrick vs drake beef mafia (multiball, kendrick and drake were on two separate mafia teams)

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