About the Rules & Moderation category

i need a hobby

i did write a balance guide for quizbowlcord to account for the fact that we like role madness/setups close to role madness and you have to deal with it. so hopefully that improves things

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Oh I mostly just meowed

iā€™m not quite certain why the reception to reviewers is as it is

both the games i played this summer had a d1 execution (that i pushed for extensively)

I didnā€™t even super push for it. People executed on their own mostly

I almost posted the VC but that would dox like a dozen people

a lot of them just hate folers tbh

Dare I say ā€œbasedā€


something something they take mafia too seriously

how would they know that

Iā€™m very selective about the FoLers I invite to Loop for this reason. I mean I still invite serious people but youā€™ve got to be a specific kind of serious about it

something something ā€œi played on fol and they asked me for reads and when i didnā€™t have any they called me mafiaā€

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Like you can invite Magnus or Ash and itā€™ll be fine, they know how to place nice

iā€™ve not seen a quizbowler here that doesnā€™t still play, i believe?

I think we might be more serious on average than Quizbowlcord? Somehow nya

wrong site

We used ot be less serious but a bunch of Blaseball fucker tryhards (me) (May) (me) got invited in. Weā€™ve always had a couple outside mafia players around

ive not seen a quizbowler who doesnt

my mind is foggy