About the Rules & Moderation category

Poy’s been around forever. I’ve been told that people got mad at them at first for being too Serious and Tryhard and such, but it wore off, and now everybody plays like Poy.

We produced Turnip! Everybody loves Turnip. You can’t not love Turnip. You have to lvoe Turnip

gummy doesn’t really play (granted they also haven’t played quizbowl mafia in a while)

you’re just making up people at this point

didn’t gummy never post in all games but one

the gummy special of signing up to games and then forgetting they were happening until they ended

she was our champs rep! but fol specchat was mean to her

I feel bad Fusion didn’t have a great time here nyaaaa I don’t like inviting people to places and then they have a bad time. But it wasn’t like a BAD bad time it was just. Bad timing. Of the game. She was busy. It was a nice game, it was an alright game

And I think Ash had an alright time on Loop. People did try to D1 him but it wore off

i d1ed him as t/t in the first game of the summer. he’s eminently d1able

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i’ve played on other sites but i just cant

mu formatting kills me and im bad with discord aswell

i don’t like the tendecy of games to be 20% people who never shut up 50% of people who are around a few hours and 30% people who show up twice but i’m not playing much mafia nowadays anyway

I should probably play on other sites cause I’m tired of fortress of lying but I’m insecuuuuure and scaaaared

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ask achro if he has any good ones in mind when you see him next, maybe?

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And every time I’ve played on MU some problem occurs and I go crazy

There are certain things that kinda set me off if I’m wolfread for them. And it doesn’t happen on FoL or Loop because you all know me. You all know things about me. So you won’t wolfread me for those things. But when I play full with full strangers it happens

speaking of playing on mu i’m being invited to play a game for champs subs who never got to play

I also got invited and I’ve been ignoring it because I’m trying to be a good student. But I’m a bad student

have you tried politely declining an offer

Downsides: I don’t like playing mafia
I don’t want to play mafia
I’m busy, and playing mafia would undoubtedly consume me and negatively impact my life
I cannot think of a single genuine upside to doing this

Upsides: funy
people talk about me in champs specchats maybe

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I’m still THINKING about it