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This message has been rated :warning: MISINFORMATION by may.gov. Atlas will remain in existence

rats. we will not spontaneously combust and destroy the whole world.

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I meaaaaaan if you wanna we could always change plans

electrons and positrons annihilate each other all the time it doesn’t always destroy the world

I’m always down to destroy the world

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no one knows why the universe has significantly more matter than antimatter btw. all models suggest they should be at least roughly equal

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in this situation who is a positron and who is an electron

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depends. who wants to be normal matter and who wants to be antimatter

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Normal matter or matter, Atlas? Important decision

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Nope no takebacksies no editing the message. Normal matter or matter

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I’m so notmal #normal

i for one think antimatter should be normalized. it’s all about reframing your language and what you consider as normal


When normal matter and amtter collide they annihilate each other. This is why nothing in the world is ever normal

Science pelase rename antimatter to “normal matter”…

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if i met my evil twin i think i’d explode too

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while we’re at it can we retroactively define electrons to have positive charge so i don’t have to think about every e&m equation? thanks

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I meet my good twin every day and such. I’m definitely the evil one

something something average game of s&v

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Em in em