About the Rules & Moderation category

I just remembered that Loop had multiple instances of GMs publicly renaming roles to fit the player who randed them and thus subtly outing who had the role

The Godfather in the role list suspiciously became the Godfather/mother after the game started, and it was publicly announced that the “Lovers” had been reflavoured to the “Twins”, thus allowing you to meta that the Godfather was not a man and one of the Lovers was uncomfortable with that flavour. Which I’m pretty sure people in-game successfully did both times

see sometimes our hosts just rig roles to people for the funny and you can kinda just tell the moment they claim that “yup this is legit and that role was rigged to them”

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Somebody just @ everyoned in the Discord server over laundry in a washer

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Recall this pings like 250 people

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what was the response

I went to another server to download this emote
And add it to the message.

When I came back somebody different had already used it from a different server

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did the intended recipient at least get their laundry

No clue

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i’m sure you’ll figure out soon, if not

average dorm laundry experience

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were they like 5 minutes late to put it in the drier or what

Apparently some clothes have been in the washers for 20+ minutes but like just move them at that point

that happens all the time here. just move them. not worth an everyone ping

why do they let just anyone have everyone ping perms. you’d think for a uni so reliant on discord they’d be better at setting up servers

Next person to talk is a cat


when do you think the next cookie should be chloe

@Chloe Decide next cookie


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