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And I got one wrong because of it (she’d previously told me she had to record a rap because of some kind of battle she got into, so I assumed she was the rap battle one) so it’s equivalent exchange basically

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host trivia but i tell my special sweetheart bun bun all the answers a few minutes beforehand

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I would argue my experience with what transgender women in their 20s are always doing was much more useful there

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who else was playing in host trivia?
one second

I ALMOST guessed Arete for the cult one and I 100% should’ve but I was thinking it was like a trick double bluff

arete had literally told me the cult one earlier but i forgot

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Arete is ALWAYS talking about cults and being in a cult and such I just couldn’t find that SPECIFIC anecdote

i did know arete’s a terrible driver, hence why i guessed them for the car one. incorrectly

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Someday I’ll learn to do that

politifact says… False!

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Fuck off politifact I’m living in politiconvenient fiction

may: i can’t wait to learn how to drive, as is necessary to get from place to place in such a car dependent society.

massachusetts driving test proctors and chronic pain caused by eds:

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I’m too cautious at intersections I’ll never survive boston

i wouldn’t wish boston driving on my worst enemy

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I’ve told the story many times: I missed a doctor’s appointment in Boston. I was on track to be, like, five or ten minutes early, literally a couple hundred feet from the hospital. It took one hour to move those couple hundred feet

I couldn’t get out and walk for “issue that caused appointment” reasons

look at the hope in my eyes

katze was playing. katze is friends with everybody here and ruby is katze’s girlfriend

I won, katze didn’t win

didn’t katze lose