About the Rules & Moderation category

Katze straight up lost

maybe katze should’ve been a better friend

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they won a dayvig to the face, redeemable in a day’s time

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And most of mine wasn’t even through my privileged information it was largely through just thinking about what kind of people the hosts are from my vague experience seeing them around

that event was so rigged.

in stellaris mash 2.0 we are making host jeopardy a required event that is to be hosted as a nightly one and if you get less than 5 points you die.

all the categories will be on our niche hobbies

question one: we scaled our interests in undertale from 1-100. who submitted 43?

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All the events were perfectly unrigged and fair (gugy who won all the events)

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remember when 3 townies won a death event, had the opportunity to kill forum user someone, and killed memekingpizza instead

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I played a game with events on Loop and they were good fucking events. In one of them you had to find the most heavily discounted item that you could online, highest discount won

i still think about this

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I found a wedding dress on a resale site whose original price had been typoed with two extra zeroes to make it look like it was 99.9% off or some shit and just didn’t say anything. I got roleblocked so my submission didn’t even make it in

quizbowlcord doesn’t have high enough activity to run normal games. forget events

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There was one where you had to make the longest possible roadtrip from Poo Poo Point to Pee Pee Creek using only two stops, but I feel deep and intense dread every time I zoom out too far on google maps so it was kind of psychologically distressing to me

this is technically not true they’ve become significantly more riddlepilled while I’ve not been playing. but do those count

I dunno why it’s just something that’s always upset me since I was a kid. Looking at zoomed out GPS maps. Printed maps don’t do this - I can look at static maps of the entire world or of a country. It’s specifically going from “all hte way zoomed in on google maps/car gps” to “all the way zoomed out”. Seeing the normal-scale navigation maps turning into tiny little ant lines. It’s like the pale blue dot effect astronauts get

I still got like fourth or so but I couldn’t get the exact right spot in Mexico to get it to loop around, since you’re not allowed to traverse the same road twice

I had a role that let me steal points from somebody instead of submitting a task and we managed to guess who’d score the best on “submit a recipe” by simply crossing out everybody who was a student of any kind

I submitted Ken Griffey Jr to this one. And got roleblocked

If he’s not a Nintendo character then explain Ken Griffey Jr’s Slugfest for the Nintendo 64

thinking about the “name your favorite harry potter ship and explain” subjectively judged contest proposed by specchat where all the winner did was say they didn’t like shipping because the host also didn’t like shipping

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