About the Rules & Moderation category

All our tasks were judged by a second, completely uninformed GM whose only role was to judge tasks to avoid any kind of bias. I assume this competition had the exact same level of game integrity, right

of course! (me when i lie)

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I submitted jan Misali to a best youtube video task and won

the day 1 challenge was that each player was assigned to a house, everyone voted for the player who they thought had the best reads, and anyone who selected the winning house would get a reward. the caveat being that the winning house was predetermined and the mafia knew which it was.

since the votes for this would be made public in the next day phase, town figured out to force everyone to vote for the same house, thus giving a 25% chance for everyone to win something. the house that ended up being randomly selected for this was the winning house (the prizes were junk). one inactive townie ended up voting for a different house and was very clearly town. it was awesome

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the real prize is that everyone in the most voted house got a n1 neighborhood, which i used to post my (bad) reads

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The points you won in tasks in Taskmaster Mafia were mostly useless, there were only 3 roles in the game that could spend them (one mafia, one town, one 3P). The town shopper immediately died. The mafia shopper was a fucking beast and got like a significant cut more points than anybody else in the game. The 3P shopperā€¦ did not do so well, and in fact did so poorly that they had to betray the mafia so the game would continue longer and they could actually achieve their wincon (it took one extra day, after which the mafia won)

Jasperā€™s pointsbeast nature got us a 1 shot role copier which we used on hte vig, confirming their identity and getting us a kill

was that your one wolfgame or have you had other wolfgames since on loop

My wolfgame yeah. None since, Iā€™m on a VT streak

i had a 3 year no wolfing streak in quizbowlcord that the last game i played broke. not sure if town was just super inactive or my wolfgame has improved but we swept

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note that my last wolfgame before this streak was a catastrophe on all fronts, in no small part caused by wolfchat infighting

your world is so tiny and insignificant. 99.999% of the worldā€™s population will never interact with you. see you.

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I donā€™t even broadly get got by that IDK why itā€™s JUST the maps that do it. Maybe Iā€™m not smart enough to grasp it when itā€™s abstract but when you can physically see it on a mapā€¦ maybe

you have around a 1/100 chance, based off your health record, of dying within the year

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it increases every year!!

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i would also like to point out that at some point on quizbowlcord I had like. a 5 game wolf streak or something ridiculous like that. way back in the old days

Eh actually Iā€™m thinking about it: as a kid I was very very afraid of large open spaces. The exact same dread seeing a super open featureless field. I think itā€™s less ā€œyour world is insignificantā€ and more ā€œthe world is impossibly large and you could get lost thereā€. Or like. It makes me think about trying to traverse it on foot and thatā€™s horrible

around a million people die every week

my wolf meta was ā€œpost noticeably less in general, set my partners up to do well, get caught by an investigative day 3 at the latest, root for wolves in deadchat, watch wolves win because town SUCKEDā€

iā€™m out of actually fun facts