About the Rules & Moderation category

pretty much. there were literally multiple teams composed solely of high schoolers and i felt kinda bad for them (i say, as one of them finished in second bracket). and now they’re making the answerlines harder to “increase the amount of ‘only at co’ moments”

i would continue with packet 2 but just scanning that packet it has more tossups on straightforwardly knowable answerlines. that were nevertheless difficult because of the specific cluing. many such cases.

the least converted tossup in the entire set was on the choroid plexus. which is crazy to me because unlike many of the other tossups in the set that is at least a set of words i have heard. but i guess nobody knows what it actually is

I certainly don’t

answerlines with more conversion than choroid plexus include norval morriseau, ioannis kapodstrias, roger fry, john bowring, ruth wilson gilmore, sv40, luca signorelli, and merve emre.

craziest thing about quizbowl is since this is the highest echelon every tossup, no matter how insane, gets at least some conversion (not true for every bonus part, because of significantly different design, but shit’s crazy).

what does conversion rate mean in terms of quizbowl

how often that tossup is getting correctly answered (or converted) instead of going unanswered across both teams (or going dead)

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to be entirely fair i cant name what a single one of these are connected to beside what you told us

i also couldn’t name any of these things. they’re fucking hard!

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chicago open is the result of the subset of people who are already good at the game of memorizing facts about academia demanding an even harder challenge. this is hell by design. you don’t play co to get flashy buzzes you endure co. co happens to you

not helped by the fact that there’s 14 rounds crammed into a single day, thus making it last 12 hours. and this year’s ran quickly all thing considered. some have lasted through midnight

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This sounds like torture. Almost makes me want ot play

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i need to stop putting knives in my mouth
i, somehow, cut my mouth doing so

Unbelievable! A knife cutting? I don’t think this happens in real life, I think you’re lying

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To be fair I’ve spent my day chasing around flies like a cat and looking at mahjong soul women in excessive detail to critique their outfits (or the presentation of their outfits) so I have literally 0 room to criticise anybody ever

i’m so used to incredibly dull knives that when i use sharp ones i dont expect them to cut me

they then cut me and i suffer the consequences

the wound on my hand did heal pretty quickly though

you do not want to play co

I’ve heard dull knives are dangerous but I’ve never heard this reasoning for it before

especially not as your first ever quizbowl tournament or exposure to the quizbowl community at large