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There’s wanting something and then there’s wanting something

they are bad at cutting and thus if you try hard enough to cut something you might slip up and hurt yourself

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That’s like saying “you don’t want to be chased around with a knife”. Of course I don’t want to be chased around with a knife. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t seem like fun on some level

First degree murder knife chase!

Not where I heard that but thanks

okay tbf i played co because i knew i would get carried. and for that reason i had a much better time than acf nats, a similar and somewhat easier tournament, where i actually had to try

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I just like when things are difficult and punishing because it forces me to deal with immediate consequences for my actions instead of being able to lazily do the wrong thing for a while and end up dealing wiht consequences later (but never changing my behaviour because the feedback isn’t instant)

This is why I hate easy games. I can play them poorly and it’s not a problem. I want to do things well

presumably it’s different in a team game where you’re almost certainly getting carried by the players around you, no?

and trying to instead become the carry at a tournament like co where you’re clearly not up to the task is. disastrous

You’re right but I don’t want to admit it

Can you think of anything I can say that isn’t admitting you’re right because I don’t want to do that but I can’t think of anything else

you can admit i’m not wrong

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I can’t lose I never lose. At anything

notoriously high mafia win/loss record

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IT’S 52% NOW

finally got it above rand huh

hey may do you wanna hear my w/l record as mafia

On FoL mafia win more often than town so rand is a bit lower than 50/50