About the Rules & Moderation category

many such cases

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my daily life isn’t particularly interesting

my cat is next to me rn

we could invite someone else here to spice things up

i’m shocked no one else has discovered it. especially if mods have access

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I think unlisting it makes it so it’s
not showing up to them

it should though

atlas would be funny to invite


i wonder if people we ping get a notification

actually the mods can def see it
whenever you post and you aren’t itt you can see a updated thing going one more topic
even if you can’t see the topic

i can just imagine modchat letting the social experiment play out and waiting for how long it takes us to notice they can see this thread

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@atlas test

either that or they’re waiting to snipe the cookie

yeah it pinged me

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I mean we def know they probably can from the beginning

can you follow this thread

make it show as watching

chloe explained it earlier
didnt you see it

don’t quote them here as it will show them