About the Rules & Moderation category

i thought that was magnus

Magnus recommended it initially but you all were the ones who finally pushed me to actually play it

has undertale yellow been more beneficial to you than. the opposite of beneficial

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That was the intended follow-up question. Hmmm

Given the late nights probably not

okay but you had fun on things such as. the hydrochloric acid minigame. and ceroba. and mew mew love blaster

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Mew mew love blaster!!

i hear that voice in my nightmares

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how did i not learn my lesson about the knives and my mouth

a second knife has hit atlas’s tongue

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its my lips
i’m not that dumb

well yes i think those are about equally levels of dumb but it is my lips

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That is not how flow charts work

Why did they put words on a human?

a flow chart wouldn’t even be appropriate for this scenario

Or why is the human made of words

and neither is whatever this is

We’re all made of words, it’s online