About the Rules & Moderation category

Only some people here are human though

I’m made of magic and spice and kittens

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I should’ve just taken the eggplant parmesan (no line) instead of waiting for the garlic chicken stir fry (like ten fifteen minute line). Sunk cost fallacy strikes again

sunk chicken

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calling it “passionate fruitiness” would’ve been so much better but I can’t edit it without looking like i didnt plan it quickly

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well now i have to continue the legacy of stealing each other’s jokes


We’re just all stealing each other’s jokes now huh

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This is the joke lost-and-found. If you post a joke in this thread then anybody can take it and say it’s theirs

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I think in the long term having lab twice a week for like 3 hours is going tobe good for my health but I am so tired right now

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I even had them get me a chair to sit but still tiiiired

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i’m specifically taking data science as my general science elective instead of chem because no labs

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well there are other reasons. data science is a lot less work and will probably be more broadly applicable to my future. but also no labs (okay there are technically “labs” but they’re during class hours basically)

I got to take computational bio lab last year instead of actual bio lab. Awesome stuff. #nowork #notworking #computertouchers

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I had like 3 classes straight scheduled on that day with no room for lunch but it literally didn’t matter because allthe “labs” took 15 minutes so I’d just fuck about for a while, do the lab, and then leave for lunch

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fuck my freshman cs class for having the labs be the hour immediately after the hour and 20 minute long class.

bless my freshman cs class for having baby easy labs so i could be done in 30 or fewer minutes and go eat lunch

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of all my second semester freshman year professors only one of them didn’t either retire or get a job somewhere else. and it was the econ professor whose name i never learned