About the Rules & Moderation category

to this day i still don’t know why i took that class. i didn’t have to.

Benguinedparbecue learning your name spells your doom… much to think about…

You could trivially look up my name in all likelihood

in all honestly it’s entirely possible that my econ professor could’ve gotten a job somewhere else or retired. i just do not know

so are you lily-of-the-valley or hawthorn

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this is what you get when you look up may from the flowers

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I’ve checked and the most immediately obvious resource narrows it to 2 names, I think you could do a little cross-referencing to easily figure out which of them I am

you could probably find out who i am from just information i’ve put in here honestly

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you miiiight need the assistance of my first name that’s been doxxed to half of fol but i’m not sure

I probably could but it’d be work and I hate doing work

you literally already know who i am

I mean like I specifically could definitely find you but

Yeah but even without that I could do it.

I’ve literally told my address to people who I’ve never told my first name

the information alone that i played both 2024 acf nationals and 2024 chicago open reduces the possibilities to at most the double digits

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There’s a really simple solution to this: simply do not play chicago open

i probably won’t next year, given that they have explicitly stated they want to include more hard answerlines to increase the number of “only at co experiences”

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it’s like they saw the teams of high schoolers and people new to co and want to keep them out specifically

It’s important to hurt people. I understand

I miss the cupcakes at the other dining hall but I’m not walking I need to conserve all my walking energy because I’m already at my daily limit