About the Rules & Moderation category


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Impact to my mafia play… probably negative?

Good strategy to capitalise

ever since you got okay at the video game i’ve read you on emotions since with a 90% success rate

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That is my personal problem

i do wonder how people read me besides just making stuff up to how they imagine i’d act

I kind of don’t

I mostly just read everybody else

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i think i have a very explicit tone that people seem to townread that comes on during mashes and i just have a garbled personality otherwise

im still so mad for listening to magnus on silviu
they told me that they did some super solvy things which is town silviu but when we whispered they could barely give a team without direct prompting
so i just assumed it was a whisper difference

kid named summoner

past n3

safe and easy to contain…

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Chat am I easy to contain

keep in mind that a nuclear weapon would be safe under scp foundation rules, in that it’s not actively trying to resist or escape containment and while in containment it’s perfectly harmless


a nuclear weapon is safe under no other set of rules but the scp foundation is fucked

One of my professors was talking about how if you put all your fingers into a vending machine that is supposed to paint someone’s nails, then generally they should get all their fingers back when they were taking them out of the machine and that it’s out job as engineers is to kill people and learn how to not do that in the future

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the scp foundation won’t start a nuclear war. idiot

SCP-5000 - WHY

scp foundation literally has nukes under some of its facilities so

All of you know things about SCPs