Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

it was an one off thing, no one is seriously going to get a game like this into the vanilia queue again

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>looking for new vanilla game
>ask the host if their game is vanilla or not |pull out illustrated diagram explaing what is vanilla and what is not
>achro laughs and says “its a good game katze”
>join the game
>its not vanilla


So a couple of notes

First, ahem, i may have gotten a bit overzealous in my duties as flavor person in terms of how much flavor i stuffed into the game. While ultimately effecting balance very little with the benefit of hindsight it felt bad for certain players. That is a reasomable response and sorry about that.

Secondly, some of the concepts lf this game were experimental. I wish i had thought to bring up my ideas to a mod more fully ahead of time (i am stupidly used to people handwaving me in other places, bad habit and my fault for lack of communication) to get clearance and a more robust view of how players might take this and the proper labels for certain things or just simply not do them at all. Ultimately my crazier ideas were meant to really be in service of the flavor but there was too much. Got it.

My own game will be packed full of interesting things but be more grounded in actual roles and be streamlined. Think less zany and more evil professor creating a monster in a lab.

I have hosted for a long time and take feedback well. I promise anything else with my name on it in the future will be much better for an fol audience.


If achromatic was executed, a host would have died

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just so people know, this isn’t representative of a vanilla game on FoL, and we are taking steps to ensure that it doesn’t happen again


I must say while I don’t normally learn a lot from power points, the one Chloe put together with the large flames under me and a giant skull sign above my head really made future expectations quite clear.



(I am joking)

All my games are cursed, at least I think most of the people in the game had fun in this very vanilla game


achromatic is still my favorite host

I think about 90% of the problems were wrong category, not proper warning labels, and about 10% was “i should have made sure this was allowed” so most of the things here can be done in the proper setting, but this was like building a castle on a cliff and expecting everything to be fine.


next time we gotta make sure they sign the waiver before rand

For the record I am taking all things very seriously but do not control Litten, his next game is purely mountainous with no frills.

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This is what everyone signed

Hello! Achromatic here! Bob sent me this to give you. Anything after this sentence may be shared, but not copy/pasted, publically unless specifically stated and yes there is a specific section that states a couple of things!

Greetings. Bob here. As a multidimensional entity of some repute I have been asked by my legal team - don’t ask how that works please it’s complicated and you don’t have the brain capacity - to ask for you to sign a small form. It’s a simple matter really. Standard for all games in most places around the multiverse. I am sure you aren’t one of those universes that is so backwater that this isn’t the standard.

By agreeing, quoting, acknowledging, or completely ignoring this form but posting in the topic anyway you are waiving any rights you may have related to the “Mafia” game. The hosts are not held responsible for any of the following happening to you as a result of your participation in this voluntary and completely not coerced event:

  • Death
  • Injury
  • Annoyance
  • Laughter
  • Sadness
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Cackling heard faintly from host chat.
  • Actually make that any disease can’t be too careful
  • Irritability
  • Role rigging, real or imagined
  • Being brought back to life at the hands of specifically a human or vaguely humanoid-shaped creature. We have insurance on other types of Necromancers and should this happen you will receive a small check in the mail for the inconvenience. Yes we have your address. No you didn’t give it to us.
  • Death again if the above happened to you.
  • Hidden changes to the game
  • Hang nails
  • Entering a black hole
  • Anything and everything that your beautiful little mind can conjure!

Finally, you also waive the right to express any negative commentary to your hosts. If you breach this there will be litigation.

We are not unfeeling monsters though. We understand it is hardwired into players DNA to complain about something not at all important. For proper complaints please send DMs to the mod Katze with the following text: “katze is one of the stupidest players I’ve ever seen. Literally every time I play with them they make some sort of dumb read that no one understands and get upset at people for not listening. I wish she would just quit the site.”

Without quotations marks. You may send this to them once a day with the title of the DM being the nature of your complaint. This ensures a fun environment for both players and hosts, and a respected mod can hear your concerns and take appropriate action. Please don’t DM Katze more than once per a day phase or for the same complaint twice. A mod as esteemed as Katze should be respected and only have their time used for valuable, needed things not repeats from previous days.




sounds like a you problem

