Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

Yeah that basically sums it up

Someone explain the D1 win to me my reading comprehension is shot

If you want to learn how to be funny just watch a Mets game


Yeah but when roles like that are there, people don’t use it.

Could you clear up why you decided pre-game to tunnel Bean randomly?

You’re not the deviant you don’t have to make me laugh

I was reading the roles and set up yesterday and kinda gave up a little, i’m just gonna constantly need to re-read everything all the time, but I know I wont do that, so i’m probably just going to be stupid

Rap Battle will show.

Blame Achromatic for not letting me use it right off the bat.

I thought this was a reactiontest.

I dont know why zorvo chose bean but I know why he didnt pick me

We should try and aim for a triple execution today.

that’s very bold of you, please explain why even though i’m sure you’ve already explained why

I beat Bean in rap battle, bean gets eliminated.
We do the order requirement for Pigeon’s role, triple elimination happens.

2/4 can be the mafia.
We can win day 1.

may I also offer the option of 0/4 of those being mafia

Way ahead of you.
Read the post I just sent may.

way ahead of you, I already replied to it

I offer the chance to get a day 1 town victory which almost never happens and you can go down in history of being apart of that game.

zorvo can be town too i buy the excitement of doing the Towny Thing

Alright, Zorvo. Who would you propose as execution targets?

zorvo I love you and feel free to do as you wish but i’m letting you know in advance it won’t happen and therefore I dont care. but dont let me kill your dreams. fly free