Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

I don’t understand the first 3 lines of emojis



Generic god blesses you all. Now why is the day 1 hour shorter

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Who did it



We :doughnut: know

Someone’s trying to silence the Aussies

I bet that’s why it was shortened

After thinking on it and having dinner. I think Animal has to go. I think messing with the Lego is egregiously antitown enough that there’s not really much else to do. I think they’re still my most likely scum. I think all their arguments against me were bad, and I think the way they’ve only been mentioning me and Pigeon feels like antispew + trying to discredit the Emperor so their flip doesn’t get out. I feel bad about it, but… it’s mafia. Sometimes you gotta.

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Honestly its like 7:53. I cant make a single coherent thought


You’re a minute early there buddy

1984!!! 1984!!! I quite like our Aussies :(

Whoever made that wish will pay

For NordVPN
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We are never a minute early may flower. We are always where we need to be when we need to be. Just as the lord intended

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