Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

Hello all. Here is your Mole test for night 2. The lowest score will be eliminated from competition. Please copy/paste the questions along with your answers.

What is the name of the Mole’s flavor character?

What is the name of the Mole’s Role?

What letter does The Mole’s name END with

Has Achromatic beaten the Mole when he was wolf on FOL? (Popcorny/Genie/Strategem 10/Morb are my wolf victories for the purposes of this question)

What was the last game the Mole won on FOL?

How many posts did the Mole finish with as of Night 2?

Was the Mole nominated Day 2?

Did the Mole vote for the top voted person day 2?

Did the Mole win a prize day 2?

Is the Mole Dead? (as of the start of Night 2)

If animal town:

Id kill pigeon, may, garfooled (only if may mafia). If that doesnt do it id kill in porscha and beancat. Im scared of jester in the latter

If animal is wolf:

Id consider eliza mafia, and porscha beancat

Also keep in mind if may isnt town she can lie about animals flip

I dont think zorvo magnus hazard garfooled may pigeon are jester

My jester poe is beancat porscha eliza

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The issue with this is i believe this is silent flip. cause Kaba’s allignment was also not revealed earlier today unless i missed something. so the only person who would truely know if they are town or wolf is may here

I made it clear
I wouldn’t mind either of them being killed here
Why am I being grouped with anyone?
If anything
If May is the mafosi they let you know how to read me because it generates content and looks like a contribution

This EOD is weird.

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Wonder why @Litten @Litten @Litten @Litten

Can we still vote or has Story already been executed?

I make fun because I see myself in you, Litten

We can vote but like

Voting you would be the ultimate bully.

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As promised May,


I was joking about May being lockscum for wolfreading me, but it’s funny. What’s the logic?

OK so remember to Lego tomorrow. Good night everyone!

Only if you promise not to tie it, despite it being your win condition

Why would it be my wincon to tie it

Jester win

Pigeon you win with jester now so you sadly dont have a stance on much anymore

VOTE: Animal.
VOTE: May.

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Animal (6): tutuu, ElizaThePsycho, Hazardwaste, thepigeonnyc, Garfooled, Magnus
May (3): Animal, thepigeonnyc, Magnus
ElizaThePsycho (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (3): May, beancat, Porscha

Chapter 2: The Daughter of Flame

All my friends surrounded me. Their faces alight with smiles. The sounds of laughter filled the ballroom as they danced in merriment. A scene I had watched more times than I could count. A scene that, if seen for the first time, would inspire joy in the heart of any witness. First impressions could be deceptive though. What was it that they said about too much of a good thing? I forget now. Like I have forgotten a lot of things. The dancing and the songs though, were unforgettable. Believe me, I had tried. Once my animal friends and I knew only peace. Tranquil peace. That’s all I had ever wanted. Just to play with my animals and be at peace. It had gone well for so long, until she came into my life.

She was… a storm. A perfect storm, regardless of how you meshed the meanings, those two words would always fit her. She was inhuman in every way. Her appetite was so large I swear she could devour anything she put her mind to. People as well, as it turned out. Animals too if she bothered with them. Her hunger consumed me and then everything I had ever known. It was difficult, even now, to look away from the vague human-like shapes in front of me. They had once been animals. They had once been alive. Time stopped having any meaning shortly after her fury tore through us all. Now I could only watch as the same song and dance repeated. I do not know how long I have been here. I lost count after the three thousandth loop or so. That was near the beginning of this torturous hell. Perhaps things would have been better if I had said yes. If I had agreed with everything then and there. She said she would be gentle. I should have listened. Anything would have been preferable to this. Anything.

Flashback: ??? Years, ??? Months, ??? Days, ??? Hours, ??? Minutes, ??? Seconds in the Pas… Futur… Presen… ???

I smiled as all around my animals ran past. It had been a long time coming, but now I was the Empress of this domain. I could do as I pleased, and nothing pleased me more than to be among my animal friends. Ever since I was a small girl they had spoken to me, in their own way. It was not that I could understand their speech in a precise way, but rather their hearts spoke to me. Being around such simplistic beauty gave me near endless joy. It was always people that ended up giving me trouble. Their lies, tricks, and schemes to do whatever it was that interested them best. It was all very boring. Unoriginal. Uninspiring. Not like my animal friends. No, my animal friends only wanted what was theirs. They didn’t take from anyone. Lie about anything. I bent down and gave a who was rubbing against my leg an affectionate scratch behind its ear. Yes, these were my true friends and I loved them so.

I turned my attention upward as the clouds fluttered past the moon hanging low in the sky. The beautiful clouds were only interrupted by towering mountains I had constructed. So my friends and I would be safe from any outside interlopers. It was technically midday at present, but I always found the soft glow of dawn suited me best. Being able to bend reality to my whim, if only a little, had many benefits. I looked out over the forest surrounding me and noted their foliage was less dense today. The red, orange, and brown leaves fluttering to the ground served as further proof. Summer’s time had all but run out . The winters here were lovely though. My magic saw to that, too.

What my magic did not see was the woman standing in front of me. She was beautiful with the most piercing green eyes I had ever seen. Flaming red hair, a beautiful mess all around her face, framing rosy cheeks. She adorned herself with a red dress over a simple white shirt which left her shoulders exposed. I instinctively held my necklace in my hand as I viewed her own. It was like my own but more oval in its shape. Her top was lower cut than most I had seen. Modesty was not this woman’s topic priority although given what she showed I didn’t blame her. Even so, she was still a person. Which meant she was a problem. Before I could ask her to leave she turned at me with a small smile. It felt fake, as if she had never been happy in her life.

“Empress Whiskerluna, a pleasure to meet you. I have come far looking for you! I love what you have done with your sanctuary. May I look around?” asked the woman .Her voice was light and face serene, but my senses were keener than most. There was something off about her. I didn’t know what it could be, which made whatever it was all the more dangerous.

“No, you may not,” I said with a solidity I did not feel.

Surprise gave way to an ugly look on the woman’s before it was gone in an instant. Most would have only seen the surprise but I knew what my eyes had beheld in that moment. This was that woman’s true nature. At least in part. I would not suffer in such company for long.

“I see,” she murmured before smiling again. “I got it! I was rude, wasn’t I?” A fake question to match the facade she presented. I did not even stir an inch to answer. She may have sensed this so she continued, “I have not introduced myself. My name is Achromatic, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

I scoffed. “I cannot say the same. You come off as fake as can be. I do not know why you are in my realm, but you are not welcome here.”

Achromatic tilted her head. “Interesting,” she once again murmured. “Usually this works out a little better for me than that. Kind of touchy aren’t you?” This question was the most genuine one asked so far.

“When it comes to protecting what I care about, always.” That time the firmness in my voice reverberated through me as my magic swelled up around me. I would protect my home and animals. From anyone.

Achromatic chuckled. “No need for that, silly.” She waved her arm as if shooing gnat. Before I could retort everything lost focus all at once. Sight, sound and all other senses laid forgotten. They were useless against whatever this was. Everything was useless. I felt my heartbeat pulse in my head. The world lost focus with each beat as it drummed faster. What was happening to me? I tried to move. I tried to speak. I tried to use my magic to act in my defense. All useless. Nothing happened. I screamed but made no soul. Mouth unmoving. The only sound I could hear was my heartbeat. Then it was over.

“What did you do to me!?” I screamed out, finally able to get out a sound.

“Nothing much,” Said Achromatic. I believed her this time. This was nothing to her. “I disabled your magic for enough time for me to do my business and be on my way. I couldn’t have you hurting me or yourself, now Could I?”

“You will pay for this,” I growled out. I had plans. I would make new ones. I would not stand for treatment. To my surprise, the green-eyed woman actually smiled at this. It was her first genuine smile since coming here.

“Of course. You must always pay your debts. I agree with you. I will be generous and give you a few favors because you were able to give birth to such a beautiful place. It is lovely and you should be proud of that.” Again, I could feel the honesty in these words unlike the ones prior. “But, you were also rude. I can’t stand rudeness. So I am afraid I’ll repay that too.”

My shoulders sagged. I only had so much fight in me. “And what does that entail, Achromatic?”

The redhead clapped her hands in excitement as she rushed over to me and took my arm into her own, linking them. “At the beginning, you silly goose. You’re going to give me a tour of your lovely home!”

I allowed myself a small smile. We had gotten off to a bad start. I was powerless. I was in danger. I couldn’t comprehend if I was given nine lives. All the same, I felt my heart beat a little faster at how excited this stranger was to see my home. Was this pride? Folly? Something else? Only time would tell.

The Present

I was in my bedroom when Achromatic appeared again. As she always did. Smiling. As fake as the first time I saw it. By this point this long, drawn-out hell was so comfortable I didn’t look up. Not even bothering to resist her as she dragged me down into the bed and scratched behind my ear. I no longer felt the horror grow within me as my leg started shaking in glee. My body was reacting without my will at the stimuli. Just another fact of life now.

“Who’s a good kitty! You are! Yes you are! My favorite kitty ever,” Achromatic cooed as she pinched my cheeks after getting done with my ear.

Yes, I was both human and a cat now. All my animal friends I had become more human, and to match the redhead had made me more animal. She thought it fitting.

“Is this the end?” I asked. I didn’t need to elaborate. She knew.

“Afraid so my darling,” she said with not an ounce of sincere remorse. “We had a lot of fun in this bed, you and I. Even after I gave you a makeover. This realm is crumbling though. You and it both have served its purpose.”

I could see outside my room flames began to engulf everything. Yes, of course. This was the end of it all. This was always how it was going to end. Yet… I had one last question. A stupid question. A question I knew the answer to. It was obvious. A fact. Immutable. Even so, if I was going to die I wanted to know one thing even beyond the realm of certainty.

“You said you loved me,” I stated.

“I did say that, yes,” Achromatic said.

“Did you mean it?” I asked. More than I would ever admit I wanted to be wrong. Just this once. Let me be wrong about someone. Let there be one person, even as cruel as this one, who knew love. Who was capable of it… Like my friends.

“Of course not, you silly goose,” she said. It was a simple, casual answer. It had meant nothing to her. “I used you because it was fun. It was good for me to do so. I could never love a rude woman like you. I do confess though, you were pretty fun in this bed though.” She winked at me as the flames entered the room. “Any last words, kiddo?”

I could feel the tears streaming down my face. “I hate you,” I said. It was all I had left. One final act of defiance.

The flames danced around her as she laughed at me. “That’s the worst part, you silly goose.” She said with knowing green eyes piercing me. “No, you don’t. Even as you burn, and your flesh melts, you can’t help but love me. Goodbye, my darling pet.”

It was the last thing I remember. This was my end. I could only hope, and wish, that someone out there could stand up to her fury. Then I knew no more.

Chapter 2 End

The praise me event for this flavor is open until SOD3. Same prompt, tell me what you liked about the flavor! I appreciate it.

The Emperor has made their decision. @Animal is executed and dies. The game continues.

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