Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

What happened to your paranoia on me from last game when I was no threat?

Do you know the muffin man?


ok me and you are fighting now

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I can sympathise. Sometimes you just need to roll with the punches and have fun, I think.

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perceived threat or no threat i dont rly put value in; im not using it to make a read atm

i think ur read that zorvo is jester is wild and i associate that with ur town game

plus the other reasons look good to me to call u town

I think I know what magnus is referring to? I coulda just missed it the first time though tbf

did someone already say the thing?

Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane.

aye aye pipe down pumpkin, dont hit yourself on accident

That stings, I think the read has merit.

like surely someone already said,

Litten is an AWESOME host and I am glad I know him!


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Well, you were the second person to say it and five hours have passed so clap yourself on the back anyway.

I am NEVER making you the king btw

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I wouldn’t have seen it if you didnt say there was something new, to be fair

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Yeah, that’s my red herring.

God damnit I just read through the entire OP to figure out the thing and now you sayit


well i hope u change ur mindset so it doesnt sting

i dont think that calling ur read wild is disrespectful or something. i just townread zorvo

and i could always be wrong and u could be right so

OwO <333

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I don’t wanna think about this game