Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

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“Mr Haz-generic-zard, I don’t feel so good.”

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Of course. A life for a life. If you can best me in a battle of wits on Magnus’ behalf I will spare their life. What say you, @Hazardwaste ?

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Garage door my sibling! stay with me!

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What does your religion say now, Hazard?
You are Spartacus.

You seem to have mistaken my question higher’s. I wished to allow magnus to join my religion. and teach them the ways of generics instead of their untimely death.

but of course if you wish your humble priest to play a game instead for magnus’s life. i would happily accept.

Can we get everyone in the POE to challenge god instead?

I don’t know when in the lore we found out we’re related, but I’ll roll with it
like this cat:

Wait, if Hazzy loses, both of you die?

Both Hazard and Magnus, I mean

we are related under the generic lord.

It feels weird to just give players an instant suicide button for no reason randomly.
Unless… Gar.

I mean. I forget I have so many worshippers. Do you exalt me above others? Because if not… I don’t know if you read the day 1 or day 2 flavors but apparently being disagreeable with me isn’t so great.

Everyone reads the flavour.


Everyone may challenge me in any way they choose as long as I deem it fair. I have a silver tongue though, so best be careful with bargains with me. I have proven this many times over in just this topic.

You are the higher one. of course. the generic god chose you to be the master of this generic realm. you are higher then all of us. that why i intrust you to make the best generic choice.

Suicide? Magnus I am so sorry… did you think if you lost it was merely YOUR death? Did I say that?

When did you choose me?

What do you mean?