Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

still hurts my feelings

this is a joke btw. i dont really give two shits

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I would’ve given you bonus points for even knowing the game tbh

Lasagna are boosts btw
The game is totally worth it and not buggy at all

(i have it on my swtich)

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i had spare money… and like i mean




i literally gave myself the easy quiz im not the jester

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Jester? I hardly know ‘er!


Yeah you can execute me actually


In actuality I’d prefer we Not kill me on account of we only have so many tries to catch Animal’s partner and it’s not exactly easy to do analysis on cat gifs but you gotta do what you gotta do

There really is not so much to see in Animal’s iso that really gives me good insights here. But from the early stuff, I don’t think they’re likely to be partnered with Garfooled given Story’s early focus on talking with and responding to them, and I don’t think they’re likely to be partnered with Magnus given this weirdass post:

Which came after Story had posted about townreading me. It sounds like trying to create that kind of rift between two townies.

After this… just a lot of animal noises, breaking the Lego (which had them/Eliza/tutuu), and then the later stuff on D2 where they accused Pigeon and I of being mafia and Eliza of being jester. I know why they were accusing me (to discredit the only person who’d see their flip), but it’s Pigeon and Eliza interactions that seem Interesting. I think it’s pretty likely our last wolf could be between them? Either distancing from Pigeon, since Animal were pretty much outed after breaking the Lego, or trying to give Eliza cover as suspected Jester, since she had acted against self-pres D1 and could easily hide there. I dunno.

I think Pigeon’s still the kill I want for today, because of his weird hesitance and attitude about the Lego on D1, and because he and Animal had such, weird and distinctive interactions on D2. And it’s not like we have much choice, given Eliza’s whole thing. If him dying doesn’t end the game, then I’ll think more. For now, I’ve done more than enough thinking. I am sleepy

@Zorvo the fate of your soul is on the line. God has heard your cries in your role PM that you should have won. The God of Fairness, Kind and Considerate, offers you a second chance. Below is a rap you are expected to reply to before EOD3. Please submit a 16 line rap to your PM before then. Then spec and the players will decide who wins. Your reward or punishment for losing is not related to the core game in topic. Good luck.

As an aside, illmatic by Nas is one of my favorite albums ever.

Just as Achro arrived funny how Seth’s stock nosedived, ya think his raps amount to criminality?
Have no fear, the hero is here, winning’s my speciality
Make you my sidekick, let’s teach ya quick, excuse the brutality
First class is free, you’re lost at sea, I’m here with punctuality
Brought all my skill from ill-maticville, where rap’s my nationality
Expressin’ and compressin’ and professin’ this duality:
In terms of best ain’t no contest at least in this reality
We call ya seth but I’m smoking you like meth your rhymes are nothin but bushels of banality
With raps so lame fuck criminality they constitute unconstitutionality
Cuz it’s a blasphemy to try and rhyme while under the mentality
You against God is a win – now that’s a sin offending my morality
So say a prayer, but please be aware, this is all a formality
Y’all think I’m bi, but I don’t feel shy – it’s flowmosexuality
Bow your head, lest you wind up dead, your defeat is a foregone eventuality
So take a swing, but don’t forget who’s the king, your demise is naught but causality


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I’ll admit I have refused to read any rap that has been posted this game whatsoever. You could hide key info in there and I’d be none the wiser

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That’s a lie. I’ve read one word of this rap, and it’s “flowmosexuality”, and I know no further words could possibly top that, so I don’t need to look at them


Tell me why
(ain’t nothing but a heartbreak)
Zorvo even wants to be back?
Like when I’m dead, I’m going to go,
“Well there’s a job done, I had fun
and can do something else now”
Zorvo wants back in on this hell

(silly question, I would’ve fought to be back too as jester)

@Zorvo has responded.

I’m in the corner, cannot move myself but then I see a god, who’s trying to make me feel regret so it’s time for this duet let’s go for a reset
Then I get up and I’m like damn hell naw, this shits not over yet, Things about to get intense
Call yourself a hero? Ha. Don’t make me laugh, you’re just an old man that’s part of the FOL staff
I realized my mistake of rapping too frequently, I needed more flow in my rhymes
What I don’t need is someone posing as a god, when in reality they get shut down so many times
I don’t need your classes, fuck Litten showed me more
Showed me how to find the town and have a solid Towncore
Don’t you dare bring up king in my presence, that’s my original title that I made and proclaimed.
You can stay as the god of old age and getting flamed.
There is this special guy in town who’s going to make a bigger name.
So when you pass away, you’ll hear the words that I say and you’ll know I became.
Became the next Gen of You! The process continues and won’t end you know FM will always transcend.
It’s common knowledge things advance, but not you, you’re going to be left behind getting the backend.
Don’t need your big words I do things my way it’s not a bad thing, It’s called evolution.
You’ve reached your peak where I still have lots to improve. It’s called revolution.
I like and respect you though, you’re a cool guy but it’s time for me to open up and say goodbye.


Please vote in DM/Spec channel who between Achromatic and Zorvo has the better rap. Again, this will not affect the core game. Thank you.

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Oh god I have to vote? I have to vote? Do I have to read the raps to vote