Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

Eliza’s revenge arc

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First up. Our lowest score was @thepigeonnyc with a score of -14/10. They were given the following prompt:

Please, in no less than 500 words and no more than 1000 words, explain the principles and applications of Achromatic’s most coveted town finding techniques. This was covered by Achromatic in several post games discussions from this year, and that was required reading per the Waiver you signed. You start with 10 points, but for any errors of reasoning or falsehoods (ie naming a method that Achromatic does not use) will lower your score by a point. Your score can go into the negatives.

Their answer was:

Achromatic has many town finding techniques that are admirable

Embarrassing. Even a toddler could do better. Pigeon has been nominated by achromatic.


Next up: @beancat was our second lowest score. With a score of 0/10. I don’t know how. They somehow pulled it off. Which is honestly impressive. Bean has been nominated by achromatic.

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And finally. I must congratulate @ElizaThePsycho for somehow scoring a 11/10, which is a feat no one else in the game managed to accomplish. You should feel proud. Achromatic has also nominated Eliza.

The nominations for today are: Eliza, Beancat, and Pigeon.

Oh, but I am missing one more nomination…let me go find it.

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this is just like 1984


Magnus has also been nominated for death by Achromatic. Additionally Achromatic has placed 5 votes upon Magnus that shall not be removed. The Emperor may spare Magnus if they wish.

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im gladiating pigeon now


The nominations are:
Eliza, Magnus, Pigeon, and Beancat.

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litten i stg

Bishop is BAD

let alone a bishop that GIVES 5 VOTES TO THEIR TARGET

Hey, Eliza, why’d you decide to prosecute Pigeon?

he tried to execute 3 people exclusively because “their ability is anti-town”
which is game-losing at worst

Right, but like, Pigeon was widely suspected, why use your ability to kill him instead of just, like, convincing people normalstyle

Magnus (5): Achromatic
Not Voting (9): May, beancat, Porscha, Hazardwaste, Tutuu, thepigeonnyc, magnus, ElizaThePsycho