I thought you were trying to indoctrinate me, Hazard. Generic cult leader stuff.
I thought i did
You admit it’s brainwashing, then.
Its not brainwashing! Its showing you the generic light!
Look may is happy. They arent brainwashed
So why is this demon still at my back?
I have a fourth illegal string of text that I can quote.
“This person I brainwashed is happy.”
Idk!!! The demon may be stronger then i thought
I need to fight them. Then you will be free and willing to join the generic light
I’m soooo happy, nya
I would never fall for a cult I’m too cute & smart ^_^
WOULD MAY FALL FOR A CULT: vote now on your phones
The thing is that I technically summoned Marshal of my own accord without binding spells, and you allegedly tried to impose religion onto me, so all things being equal…
In FAM3, that is.
If you follow me into the cult maybe you can get me out of it… you never know…
Not that it’s a cult, nya
Generic Religion is the one true path, nya
May’s pleading for help.
May what was that