Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

And it’s not really a push
That was my chain of executions
And I forgot Porscha existed

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i would have gone far ;-;

i need you to try your hardest to get your ability in the next two days.
cause your ability being “i confirm mag as town” makes me feel uncomfortable

if im considered consensus town (am i?) i should refrain from outing my reads or changes in my reads for the potential f4 to keep the last wolf (if its not eliza) paranoid to not give them ammo to manipulate

you were either jester or town in my book. and jester died so

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That’s not at all my whole ability
Literally I made an isekai
Also I got my answer
If I say my word
People can target me with their abilities

Basically I can’t be baby jailed

thats your ability?

so that has nothing to do with confirming a player

so why did you get yes when you asked that question

—isekai a town member (I think) and someone I choose
—have a passcode that makes me immune to Abilities

You’re fine, don’t worry.
I actually townread yourself and Tutuu, I like Hazard’s slot, I was neutral leaning bad on Porscha and hard leaning bad on Eliza.

If May was a wolf, hypothetically, I still think the last one would be between those two. They voted on Eliza early but didn’t hard push her, which could be read as distance or a weak survivalist attempt.
I don’t think May was a wolf but it doesn’t really matter at this stage.

hold on i got on pc
mobile is a pain daasfdasf

I’ve had 4 days to ask a question
I can list them all for you

What do you mean there’s a password?

i wanna know more about this. who is in their and what are you doing

and what can this block? Beans ability, Eliza ability, Porscha’s abillity, my abillity, pigeons?, Tutuu’s ability, and maf kill i guess

I got a word in my rolecard
I asked what it does yesterday
hold on ill make a list

this is such a weird ability. its basically an abillity that is made to keep you alive yeah?

Zorvo (Summoned by Garfooled).
Magnus (Just there, supposedly confirmed Town).
Kabazame (Summoned by an unnamed necromancer).
May (replaced Zorvo).

oh may and kaba are in their?