Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

anyone wanna be a gay baby?

Who did you pick last night?

yesterday. i picked… tutuu

What’s with the elipsis?

cause i type how i speak and i was trying to remember who i did it too

it went.

I was apparently converted to the church and and am supposed to ask @Hazardwaste about it

please commence

whats the poetry thing about btw? I saw some mention of submitting a poem

Whoever writes the best poetry gets a double vote today. It’s optional.

Hazard, did you lie?

lie about what?

i said i was gonna indoctorate porscha so i can make a sermon for her to be more active



OH! i thought you were talking about my gay jailor ability

But that’s a day ability.

you know for a fact this is not how i indoctorated any way

i literally said earlier today “i indoctorated porscha.” i thought you were talking about my gay jailor ability which was the topic i was on when you asked the question. my mind thought you just mistyped night and meant to say day

I missed this, then.

post 3661