Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

And I’ll also give spectator chat a damn good rap battle

I’ve already got my first verse ready for Bean

One last message before i go to bed. I want no chat gpt in this rap battle. I wanna be amazed :popcorn:

Don’t worry it’s all from me.

Yours Truly doesn’t need help to rap battle.

I’m thinking Story, tutuu, and Magnus since Story and tutuu have anti-Town abilities and killing Magnus doesn’t really do anything except potentially ICize him
Willing to substitute one of these for Eliza though

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On a scale of 1 to 10 cats how town are you?

As the time of first reckoning approaches a small, yet mostly excellently written blurb, appears from out of thin air

From acclaimed GameFAQs host and Litten’s personal new favorite host after only 3 hours into day 1 (this is actually true he said it) Event Master Achromatic, not to be confused with his older but mysterious brother Quiz Master Achromatic, comes EVENT 1 OF Litten’s Terrible Game:

The Mole!

Players were given a top secret document that was hidden from the public. A “Waiver” if you will. Every player… except one. This player has entered the game via the Event Rift in order to be a try hard and ruin everyone’s fun before it has barely begun. Each day there will be a qui- I mean, an EVENT. This event, which cannot be considered a quiz at all because Event Master Achromatic is not just a Quiz Master Achromatic wearing a stylish hat and a monocle, will ask a number of questions about the MOLE and the person who scores the lowest each day will be eliminated from the event. The dead can continue to play although may not join any post-death chats without waiving their right to the prize and continue playing of the game. The Goal of this Event is to catch The Mole before the game ends.

Each player has a strategy is on the script, but let’s be real this is FOL. You know I love you guys but if we’re keeping it 100 I’ve seen some things that tell me half of you before you were even done reading were already thinking about your favorite number generation tool in order to not have to put in any effort. Do not worry, we have thought about everything. Seen every possibility. There will be no loopholes. We have had our newest staff member, Loophole Closing Master Achromatic - a Beautiful man with raven locks and sizzling green eyes - and “Did Not Forget About The People Who Don’t Read The Op and Then Complain In Postgame Anyway” Master Achromatic - A tall, thin man with round glasses who stares into nothingness and during apparently random intervals mutters either “I can’t believe I sheeped Marl on a read and even bet my soul to be used in a overlong sentence where the punchline isn’t even in this paragraph…” and “Achro can I have some of your drugs?” in an awe-struck yet horrified delivery, to form the project FMIP. With funding secured, the project “Fuck Magnus in Particular” has been greenlit and scheduled to take place in less than 8 hours.

Finally, in unrelated news, we would like to report the sudden and tragic demise of a longterm friend of all of ours who suffered from the complete and utter misfortune which could only be described as “Acute Tried to beat Litten in Final 3 as a Wolfyphus” syndrome, Sentence Master Kanave, please rest assured we are quickly working on a replacement so that our normally high level sentence structure will make a swift return.


(Achromatic wrote everything - Litten)

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good morning everyone

good night bean

I am tempted to suggest that more than a majority of zorvo’s posting saying a) I am the jester and b) that they can “take care of me” is atrocious

given a) I am not the jester (sadly) and b) they’ve been saying that since their first posts and c) they want the d1 win by… killing the jester?

which leads me to believe scum!zorvo has a definitive way to victory that involves killing me that I don’t know of, and/or they’re the jester

@thepigeonnyc id recommend looking there, although your role isn’t even an “execution” anyway and requires at least 3 people to cooperate with ya

and/or they’re way too fucking excited about their once-per-game role
like buddy you have a dayvig

Mechanical information found in post 4 of this topic has been edited with a clarification to point 9 for those interested in such things.


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arr arr arr arr

Yeah that’s fine.

No that’s not what I said. I said my + Pigeon’s ability can grant a day 1 town win.

And also IMO I’m not a fan of this post.

Doesn’t matter anyway because one of us won’t be alive tomorrow and also if you were trying to tell Pigeon to choose me
That post of yours is an absolute joke.

One of us dies anyway, your just trying to WASTE pigeons ability.

Which is so fucking wolfy.

We can literally win the game today.
Have this game go down in record as a Day 1 town win.

And you’re trying to fuck things up on Pigeon’s triple execution instead of actually preparing for your rap battle against me.

A REAL Townie would be preparing for the rap battle right now.