A wish from marshal legit scares me. also good morning
Good morning Hazzyyyyy
the most chillest eod ever huh
I believe Tutuu raised the names of Eliza, Beancat and Story, and told Pigeon to nominate them; he declined at first because they felt like low hanging fruit and Zorvo was saying not Bean, so he nominated Eliza, Story and Tutuu.
arr arr
ElizaThePsycho (4): thepigeonnyc, Magnus, tutuu, May
tutuu (3): Zorvo, Hazardwaste, May
Animal (2): Magnus, tutuu
Not Voting (6): Animal, Garfooled, beancat, Kabazame, Porscha, ElizaThePsycho
Eliza, Tutuu, and Animal will be executed if votes do not change. If majority is not reached and the votes aren’t in Lego formation, no one will be executed,
arr arr
What if you assigned an onomatopoeia word for each player to communicate?
arr arr
arr arr
There’s only one animal so it isn’t a zoo.
arr arr
arr arr arr arr arr
big if true
i can’t tell if story is in pain or not