Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

im gonna nominate animal unless its a mechanically bad idea if someone wants to object

eliza isnt mafia because she tried to complete the ladder

im not mafia either

animal isnt jester because she could have won if she just stayed quiet

even if animal is town i find their actions egregious and i dont find a world where i dont try to kill them for it

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Supposedly it was a bad idea according to Hazard
Due to jester and all

i dont understand

hazard never objected, he just expressed pessimism that jester might win

are you justifying animal’s sabotage?

I said could be a bad idea. Not that we shouldnt do it. I kept my bote where it was the whole game



Never moved it

Bad dog.

Arr arr arr? Arr ar! Arr arr

I’m trying to find reasoning
Not really
I just saw something on a wavelength thread that I’m not sure I’m allowed to mention

@tutuu i am currently thinking you are town with how accepting of your death you were yesterday. At least i dont think your maf you could very well still be jester.

I have a thought to gay baby you so we dont gave to deal with monkey mayham. Unless you want to test people

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@Animal arr arr
@tutuu guauauaghhpbbbbt

arr arr arr

bubble bubble bubble


arr arr bubble

clap clap clap


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animal, the only way i justify your actions if town is if you misunderstood the chop mechanism and you thought that if we have a 4 v 3 v 2 ladder, the jester could tie the votes to 4 v 4 v 2 and thus win by tie. but afaik thats not how the vote mechanism work, it requires a majority. nobody would have been chopped and jester wouldnt have won

alternatively if ur town u were mega confident that eliza or me is the jester. im not the jester. unless eliza is jester in which case props to you. but if eliza isnt the jester you robbed town of 1 chop and 3 flips @Animal

ARR!! ARR!!!


yeah im never mafia here, neither is eliza

let me read the gay baby role


it makes votes on you become 0 and poisons your ability

which means you cant be executed today and we wont have the hidden votes

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oh cool

does it block my anti-town role? votes would be seen as normal? that would be nice. please do so, if you want

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