Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

just tell them to get out. dont listen to the voices. they cant hurt you

Marshal can send me three strings of text a night, or eight per day.
I must assign a gif to each one, they will be ranked by the spectators publicly, and I don’t know why.


i wish you luck magnus. if anyone can do it. you can. dont listen to the inner demons

I was allowed to quote directly from the private thread but I don’t want to. I have PTSD.

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i wont lie when i saw the post i had a heartattack and flashbacks

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I’ve been through so much.

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I posted one earlier. Did you miss it?


oh yeah i see it. so you have been possessed for a while huh

It’s a bit blurry but I had no idea what to do.

Since last night. Before everything else happened as well.

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Would you believe me if I told you that I was the Jester yesterday but it got reranded?

you have been teleported to another world/ possessed in the same day

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are you joking


was gonna say.

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I wasn’t invited to be isekai’d.

i mean is anyone invited to be isakied?

Garfooled claimed to have explicitly brought only Zorvo along, and they’re trapped there. I’m also just present for no good reason.
