Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

🫵 :smile::question:

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I am funny, yes

🫵 :brain::question:


arr arr

I don’t think, no


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“They written” this “head cheese” that
You don’t proofread at all, do ya?
Just writing down words you think sound cool
Hey maybe it’s actually ChatGPT after all

Your entire word spew is laughable
Just irrational but pitiful
That you think that bs is unmatchable
You just sound like you’re on knockoff Adderall

Oh sorry, you don’t even know your and you’re
I shouldn’t have used words that a four year old
Would know, I’m sorry I ignored
The war on basic knowledge you swore
You’d fight by throwing a tantrum on the floor
I mourn the death of a language I so adore
I’m not even native, and yet I can afford
To inform you the import of not
Being a bore and just spewing words galore

Not everything that rhymes is rap
Some, like yours, is crap, complete trash
Like a car crash going five miles an hour
No one gets hurt and you just look idiotic

Idiotic, like your play every game
This aint the first time you’ve put the blame
On the wrong name, fanning the flames
Of a jpeg fire inside a picture frame

So if you want to continue this tantrum
By all means, “rap” your heart out
*But at least have some common sense you can draw from *
I’m sure you’re smarter than sauerkraut

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Yesterday was a busy day, sorry for not being around

What the absolute fuck is going on

like is this even a coherent game anymore

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I love this game

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I presume that for the rap battle to end one side has to give up, and it aint gonna be me

And if zirbo’s stupid enough to start battling me d1 i think that’s a jester tell, ima just keep roasting

While we have your company

None whatsoever other than zirbo maf or jester

sure as hell aint town

Did you read everything yet?

not really no

Also i guess i need to search for the mole too

First, aint it, although i have yet to actually do anything with it

Might go and put a little more effort into that

Ok if you get the chance just make a gutlist
Heck, even skim everything real quick
I ain’t picky

why did that cut off
was gonna add “if im not out after round 1”