An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

does day end if apo bombs?

id like to have a full day phase to discuss if possible

I have no idea when I’m going to bomb

We can all be disappointed at what happened or applaud or whatever. It just feels like a done deal.

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I think so?

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It does.

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Does being a Mentor mean you are completely accurate on your reads?

i read the message again it says day doesnt end early if she bombs

If he says he’s 100% certain of it.

Apo are you allowed to queue a bomb


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Make sure to put those name inbetween [alive] [/ alive] tags

Dies some more

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He knew the risks. He asked us to be certain on it. I am to be certain on it. If we lose because we were not, that is solely on us.

this is all of us judging you if you misfire your bomb

every single one of us

Actually, the worst part about this is that I know who I want to bomb

I am like
Set on bombing YBW

But I don’t want to do it now, y’know?

just kidding i love you LOL


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He isn’t fact.
He isn’t god.
He is just a player named Arctic that plays FM.

Anyone can be 100% certain but that player can still be wrong.

I’m just a lil gremlin

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