An Attempt at a Sorc17er - Signups (FULL)

good choice

Did you see the Mercenary travellers, though?

Remind me if any if this is wrong.
These are the KP roles from the Everhood flavored BMR.
Kiiruma ā† Shabaloth
Me ā† Assassin
Gambler ā† Pigeon
Amelia ā† Tinker
Nightingale ā† Gossip

I trust @May to hold you to this.

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TB is fine, S&V is fine though very townsided in longform and probably needs Some adjustment, BMR is vaguely tolerable, scripts that are like ā€œTB but we replaced Butler since it doesnā€™t work in longformā€ are nearly always fine. Homebrew scripts are fine if they donā€™t excessively revolve around specific gimmick characters which they often do (which is fine IRL, but I have lower tolerance for that if Iā€™m committing a week-plus). Gimmick characters that majorly affect voting are particularly bad. Alternate wincons should be used sparingly though both TB and S&V have at least one. Scripts involving homebrew characters usually suck. Scripts involving homebrew characters that also have some sort of random extra mechanic nearly always suck. Travellers should probably just not exist in longform but if youā€™re going to have them exist you need to heavily curate your list ā€“ existing recommendations are insufficiently curated. In particular basically any traveller with killpower is going to seriously affect the balance of the game, and travellers that fuck with voting are nigh-universally unfun.


New world chaos


That script is bad in general

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Ultra Fishbucket

BMR also has an alternative win condition.

Probably even worse in multiday because of how much it employs whisper tracking

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yeah but BMR is listed as ā€œvaguely tolerableā€ rather than ā€œfineā€


I will. You are getting so banned <3

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signing up to go against someone else is funny. way too powerful though imo. also the whole spartacus mechanic was. pepeg

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fuck you

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I have already been banned before.


I think Fall of Rome is fine

Not in multiday

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Hazard and I didnā€™t anticipate everyone making Spartacus guesses for memes on the travellers no less.

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I claim Hannibal and I guess @Magnus as the Spartacus

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The game ā€¦ isnā€™t over. Congratulations on being confirmed not Hannibal.