An Attempt at a Sorc17er - Signups (FULL)


Now instead I do [+1 Archivist] (aka I duplicated a role) and made tan good twin as said duped role


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this is why i curate my UFB setups

Slow & painless would give time for mental anguish regarding death. The dread is worse than the thing itself. Quick and painful for sure

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I wish Twins claimed different roles more. I think thatā€™s fun but double-claiming is risky.


I still advocate for picking setup in semi-opens even if you arenā€™t telling your players you are doing it
My reasons for doing it are numerous and disagreement is valid

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Good actually figured out what I did and won

I think this is the sole reason tan isnā€™t bullying me for it

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Thatā€™s why you canā€™t make mistakes as Storyteller. You only get remembered for the Deus Ex Fiascos, even if they were 10,000 games ago.

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this is an extremely unhealthy mindset

Probably. Itā€™s also a joke on high standards are for storytellers.

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And Iā€™m saying this when Hazard and I goofed in Fall of Rome.

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Meanwhile Jarek and I have not made one deus ex fiasco mistake yet.
Go team.


Magnus and Jarek accidentally forget to send tokens on a script named Blind Manā€™s Bluff.

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Like I think a slow and painless death would be genuine torture for me because I have nothing to focus on besides the fact that I am dying. Too much to think. A painful death takes your mind off the horror of dying and is just more Ow that hurts which as previously mentioned I think is fun and interesting rather than particularly unpleasant.

Of course the exact situation makes things different, here I imagine, like, an execution death so ā€œslow and painlessā€ means just like. Being killed Tomorrow, over the course of, like, a couple hours or aday. Dying of an illness at the end of long life then yeah sure Iā€™d hve time to actually come to terms with that and move past hte distress. Slow and painless is fine if itā€™s over such a long term that thereā€™s time to like. Actually do stuff in the meantime


Itā€™s a shame we arenā€™t running that script anymore.

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I make the worst decisions of anyone else regarding games and people still have deluded themselves into thinking that I understand game design better than them

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its because you act confident

You are not being held up to a high standard, and thatā€™s a good thing
People want to have fun and thatā€™s your only job

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My decisions regarding games are hindered greatly by hte fact that my perfectionism means nothing I do will ever see light of day

This is true

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