April Showers Overhaul FM - GAME OVER - Town & Survivor Victory!

This sounds scummy to me, but I don’t Guava is being serious about that, so I’m going to treat it as NAI.

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*I doubt

you can scumread me I’m dead serious though
April Showers is the pacifist run game I swear

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VOTE: guavagudetama

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Yeah, I don’t think you’re being serious and I lowkey don’t think scum would start off a game this way, so you can have a mild townlean for the time being.

I’d like to hear your reasoning if any for this vote please.

This truly is Guava Gaming here

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also from my memory if im correct

Guava is the person who votes no exe/sleep in games i believe?

Not sure.

I think it’s pretty wolfy for someone to be saying that “Optional factional kill means we shouldn’t execute”

Hmmm…I see.

That is interesting opener you got there, kinda reminds me of the old FoL games that starts without execution day 1

My least favorite phrase of the game, because nothing will happen and can’t do anything about it.

I don’t think so, the games I recall playing with Guava don’t start or apply no execute vanity wagon.

Bare in mind the fact that I already revealed the info that we have a harmful 3P in game.
The idea of no-executing is basically allowing mafia + 3P to control all kills.

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Your rebuttal to this Guava?

Was it someone else than

imma see if can find it quickly.

Fair enough.


This means third party, think of like serial killers and jesters.


OH! ok thankyou

Yep and I know we have one in play!
Either because I’m a very bold 3P or I know we have one