April Showers Overhaul FM - GAME OVER - Town & Survivor Victory!


I thought that was a joke

imagine not cheating kinda cringe

Wait, sorry wrong post

Mfw in dvc i find out the hood is the scum team since claiming neighbor can get you anti claimed and vulgard has played me for a fool.


While you are here, do you have a quick summary on your read list?

This EoD feels really relaxed. It’s almost unnatural in a way. Almost feels like something is terribly wrong here. It’s worrying me.

I think there’s not much chaos going on EoD than it usually happens like that, CFD everywhere. No, it’s not happening here. Why?

Votecount as of post #1395

Blizer (7): Achromatic, Vulgard, Hazardwaste, Kanave, Kiiruma, Leafia, Frostwolf103
Frostwolf103 (2): Rajidae, beancat
Marluna (1): JakeTheWolfie
Kanave (1): Blizer

Not Voting (4): robyn, Marluna, guavagudetama, IcetFeelsPain

Only because i refused to engage in not relaxed

Also this whole day has been relaxed when i am not solving. Almost 490 posts lmao


Kinda went by fast for me tbh

On one hand, should Blizer flip as villager then we have to re-eval like Achro mentioned before, if this flips as mafia then we’re on the right track for now. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t re-eval some slots that you might have missed the subtle vibes about the players who shown to have wolf meta and such. We have to remain vigilant.

If frost is wolf i will be fucking as shocked as if leafia is one. For my legacy

(And proud i like when people improve)

20 second gang

D1 Final Votecount

Blizer (7): Achromatic, Vulgard, Hazardwaste, Kanave, Kiiruma, Leafia, Frostwolf103
Frostwolf103 (2): Rajidae, beancat
Marluna (1): JakeTheWolfie
Kanave (1): Blizer

Not Voting (4): robyn, Marluna, guavagudetama, IcetFeelsPain

@Blizer has been executed.

His role was...

Night 1 has begun and will end at 2023-04-24T22:00:00Z.


@Kanave has been killed!

Her role was...

Day 2 starts and ends at 2023-04-26T22:00:00Z.

Since there are 13 players alive, majority requires 7 votes.
