April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

You had one job Wazza

Well we have an existence of a square now out in the open. The one thing I’ll like to ask do we think we have one mafia or a mafia and a evil evil nuet.

Evil neut is Anon

Three mafia is common in 15 players

Can anyone outs who got the zoltraak’s message? Thank you

Hi, sorry for intruding into your game. I’m town so I’m just going to be hanging in the wings of this victory lap.

Zolt’s legacy believed that Someone had the strongest wolf equity and that Bystander was pigeonholed into voting my slot after Ghidorah self-resolved, so they thought Lee’s wagon on the first day was pure.

Kiiruma / Sultan / Frost are all town due to Bystander’s flip, that stipulation has no reason to hamper a second member of the Mafia. Ghidorah is mechanically town for self-evident reasons.

Wazza is not a neutral doctor. The original April Showers and Zone’s previous game, Undertale Overhaul, both witnessed three wolves and one neutral; but perhaps more significantly, Zone already added a neutral doctor into one of his past games, namely Starcraft Overhaul, and Zone already specified that he typically steers away from reusing his roles.

Welp, my plan of getting the wolves to attack me last night failed.

So I might as well fullclaim as the thing I had only a single shot of has been used up. So the wolves vanillaizing me won’t hurt town much if at all.

I have two abilities. Both Bionic and Kiiruma know my day ability from experiance as my day ability lets me choose someone to talk to duting the night phase of the day that I use it.

My night ability was a 1 shot selfheal that could only be used if I didn’t use my day ability that day. I claimed I’d know a wolf today to try to get the wolves to attack me, since I’d survive due to my one shot self heal last night which would make it so that no one died.

Theirs a reason I be living

Ideally, tomorrow everyone should fullclaim unless we win today. We’re quickly approaching the point where abilities don’t matter nearly as much as they used to.

Honestly, I’m not too surprised that Zolt was killed over you.

He swapped us last night, they tried to kill me

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Ah. I see.

He’s even more of a hero than I realized. o7

busy rn but gotta do this
VOTE: wazza

We should wait to see if two people can confirm him and hear the details on how before voting Wazza. Now to head back out to play Rodent Warriors on my Switch. :sleepingleafeon:

I am confirming that wazza is claiming what they are. Bur alignment but not so sure but i really believe there claim.

I stated as much eariler but not fully spelling it out.

Wazza could be Town bluffing neutral in order to have more interactivity in the game thread and to survive being nightkilled longer, or to mitigate Kiiruma’s suspicion against them.

This crosses the bridge between their claim being earnest and their demeanour being sincere (as according to Zolt and others, that read not being accredited to me), with their neutral alignment claim being fake.

No, Magnus, Memeking quite literally is one of the players who confirms me

Yes Memeking can’t confirm my alignment, but trust me when I say they know I’m not Mafia at the very least and I’ve got no reason to bluff being a Neutral